Joe Leiberman needs to pay for his political treason. Why are the democrats talking about letting him get away with speaking at the republican convention and going out on the campaign trail and daily attacking Barack Obama? The dems want to let there be no consequences for such low life behaviors. I don't give a damn about maintaining one more senate seat.
Let him go over to the republican side. He's a low life piece of shit and they shouldn't let him caucus with the dems just to save a seat. Remove him from all positions in the senate. . . . you gambled and lost Joe, now go fuck yourself.
42-13. Remember that number. That's the vote to give LIEberman a walk on the political treason he perpetrated against the democratic party.
This SOB tried to sabotage the campaign of Barack Obama and then the party leaders in the senate give him a fucking walk.
Change we can believe in???
This is the same ol same ol. Remember, most of these panty waisted senators are the same ones who have ogne along with the MoronMonkeyBoy Bush the Chimp agenda for the past eight years. These are the scum who voted FOR the fiasco in Iraq. Surprised they voted in favor of one of their own Bush lackeys no matter what the crime?
So LIEberman gets away with one of the most recreant political performances EVER.
This is an insult to all the democrats who put their heart and soul into getting Barack Obama elected these past many months. Many of them will simply go back to their hard scrapple life of making ends meet. Joe LIEberman will go back to his senate seat and his committee chairmanship.
To the 42. . . your time will come.
Monday, November 17, 2008
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Sagacious: Why did you have to bring up this guy's name? I hate him with a passion. He engaged in character assassination of Obama (a form of lynching in politics) on behalf of his buddy John McCain with glee. I understand the politics of needing to get 60 votes in the senate. But at the very least they should strip him of the chairmanship.
For some things you gotta pay.
I second the motion!
He's a fucking rat. He can't be trusted and needs to go.
This is why I remain a registered Independant. Democrats have no fucking backbone and they succumbed to Droopy Dog's empty threats. Where was LIEberman going to go if they stripped him of his chairmanship? To the Repubs where he's have NO seniority or committee posts? Not bloody likely. Yet the Dems let him slide on a 42-13 vote.
Question...since when were there 55 Dem senators? They only have 51 counting LIEberman and Sanders. Are they counting the one's that were recently elected? Damn secret ballot, can't see who voted.
Anyway, the problem here will be when LIEberman suddenly starts investigating the executive, just like he didn't fucking do after the Katrina/Blackwater/Profiteering scandals. The fact is this guy is a lying weasel. He promised in 06 to support the Dem candidate for prez in 08.
Well ... it's the evening of Tuesday, the 18th of November, and the Dems have told Holy Joe that all is forgiven.
Honestly, it's amazing the spineless wonders can walk upright.
My mouth dropped open when I saw this story today. OMG, I knew Lieberman was a traitorous suck up to the GOP and the hard Right Zionists, but it is profoundly disturbing that he'll the Dems are keeping him, and he'll keep his Homeland Security chairmanship.
This is extraordinarily suspicious and nurtures my deepest fears which I talked about in conspiracy-flavored posts over the summer.
Fuck. Obama or no Obama, we're FUBAR. It ain't just Lieberman, either, it's a pattern here that's disturbing as hell.
Anyway, gotta question for you, Sagacious. I emailed you just before reading this; it's unrelated. Check it please and get back to me asap.
What a crock of shit. If this douchebag is in with the Republicans, what makes them think he'll side with the Dems anyway?
New President? Yes. New Dems? No. Effin' sad.
Dude what is up? Why are they so afraid of sending this dude packing to the GOP where he belongs?
I know, i know, it's all strategy. Obama's probably solidifying the Dem-centrists and right of center Dems to make things move right in the Senate and Congress for the next four years. He probably knows Hilary will fuck up, so that will ruin her chance in 2012 if she tries again. But I can't figure out what he wants with Lieberman in the long run.
I just cannot wrap my brain around - why to keep Joe Lieberman. Pissed off doesn't even describe how I feel. Maybe, just maybe, the party has something planned for his ass down the road, one can only hope.
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