By Kerry Sheridan | AFP – Fri, Jul 29, 2011
A federal appeals court ruled in favor of Myriad Genetics after a legal battle over whether the US company could keep its patent on genes linked to an inherited form of breast cancer.
Great, that means my patent on lions will soon go through. When it is granted, I'm going to get the patent on tigers and bears.
Iraq says to buy 36 F-16 fighters from U.S
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said on Saturday his government would buy 36 F-16 fighters from the United States, doubling the number it had initially planned to purchase to strengthen its weak air defenses.
Those are 36 F-16s that will be shooting down American or allied jets sometime in the next 5 yrs.
F-16 damaged during landing at Oshkosh air show
Chicago Tribune - Jul 29
An F-16 fighter jet was damaged when it overshot a runway at an air show in Oshkosh, Wis.
It was an Air Force jet. I'm not sayin Air Force guys aint good, but geez, how much runway do ya need? I mean, would a Navy pilot (think carrier landing) have done that?
Congress closing in on a deal to avert US default
By JIM ABRAMS - Associated Press | AP –Thu, Jul 28, 2011
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Senate plunged on Sunday into what many lawmakers and the White House — and millions of Americans coast to coast — hoped would be an all-but-decisive last-minute effort to raise the nation's debt ceiling and defuse a crisis that still could lead to an unprecedented government default.
OK, is everybody's political ass covered yet? Fuck the common good of the nation. piss on middle America; we gotta git elected next year!
We REALLY need to get these rich, insecure, egotists out of Washington.
Smart Girls Back Bachmann
By Eleanor Clift | The Daily Beast –
Billing it as the first ever women’s presidential straw poll, nearly 300 conservative women activists cast their ballots in Louisville this weekend at the third annual “Smart Girl Summit” to give their favorite presidential candidates a boost.
Michele Bachmann came in first—no shock there—but it wasn’t the complete blowout many expected from an audience of conservative women. Entrepreneur and inspirational speaker Herman Cain finished a close second, underscoring that the women are looking for conservative grassroots leadership regardless of gender.
"Smart Girl Summit" Ya know, if you're calling yourself "Smart" you probably aint. Bachman followed closely by Hermain Cain?! Are you fucking kidding me? A clueless ignoramus followed by an "inspirational speaker." Yea, I'm buyin "smart."
It's a deal: Obama, Congress will avert default
By DAVID ESPO - AP Special Correspondent | AP –
WASHINGTON (AP) — Ending a perilous stalemate, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders announced a historic agreement Sunday night on emergency legislation to avert the nation's first-ever financial default.
The dramatic resolution lifted a cloud that had threatened the still-fragile economic recovery at home — and it instantly powered a rise in financial markets overseas.
Wow, what a big surprise. Think about it, why didn't they do this three weeks ago or a month ago? Have they kept the proles scared? Have the proles been blaming those that they wish to be blamed?
And look how happy these low life pricks are after damn near bringing the country to it's knees. . . lessee, Mitch McConnell. Wasn't he a Bush henchman? Why is he still in office? He helped put us where we are today!
The proles got exactly what they deserved this week. Piss poor government, but WTF, great TV drama. And isn't that what we really want?!