Friday, January 4, 2008

Science and the candidate

Oh my, I started doing a little on-line research on Huckabee's religious beliefs and ended up coming to the conclusion that so very few people have a clue about science. Even the folks who are coming down on the side of science when interviewing this throw-back are clueless.
Bill Maher (snide little fuck who ought to be locked up in San Quentin for three days with his attitude), when questioning Huckabee about his belief in bible based creation said, "evolution is all about 'we came from the monkeys.'" Bill O'Reilly mentions humans having evolved FROM primates.
Clue for you monkey boys: Monkey's and the primates, including those who are not human, came from the same evolutionary ancestors that humans came from.
There is a definite lack of scientific understanding in this country which gives me all the more reason to believe that our next president needs to have some sort of realistic grasp of science and not a belief in fairy tales, sky pixies and other absurd mythologies INSTEAD of science.
Are science and religion compatible? Sure they are. But to deny the facts of science in favor of silly heroic mythological tales from literature that is thousands of years old is unacceptable in the leader of the free world.
So, sorry Huckabee, you're an idiot if you think such questions are "silly" and irrelevant to the presidential debate. YOU are the one who should be irrelevant. You and all the other right wing morons on their knees before the evengelical christian faction of the republican party.
Fuck all you bozos who think "creationism" or some other bullshit religious doctrine should be taught in science classrooms. That's also UNACCEPTABLE! Religion DOES NOT belong in the science classroom.
The funniest argument they pose is that "evolution is only a theory just like creationism." STFU. Evolution is a theory just like gravitation is a theory. There might be some details we don't quite totally understand, but it's real and only knuckle dragging terribly illinformed morons believe otherwise.
So yea, whether you believe in evolution is important. We need to know if you believe in scientific fact or Bibble book mythology. You see, we can't have the leader of the free world, the guy who most represents the American people being the champion of the fairy tale sect.
So Huckabee, you're out. Next.

Whoops, did I offend anyone?


Forrest Proper said...

People's ignorance of science is frightening. Especially their ignorance of evolutionary theory. Stephen Jay Gould should be required reading in every high school.

SagaciousHillbilly said...

Col., They don't need Gould, just 10 pages of good clear explanatin would do the trick along with a biology teacher who knew something about it.
I had a bio teacher who taught us that giraffes got long necks from stretching to reach high branches. That didn't make sense to me even then.