Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fucking mother fuckers!!!!!

Senate blocks repeal of 'don't ask, don't tell'
AP – 1 hr 46 mins ago
WASHINGTON – Senate Republicans blocked a major year-end push by Democrats to lift the military's ban on openly gay troops on Thursday, dealing a huge blow to gay rights groups' hopes for repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" any time soon. President Barack Obama instantly appealed to lawmakers to make another, last-ditch try before going home for the year.

OK, this is personal and it's starting to feel really personal.
My daughter, like all my children is the joy of my life. I would do anything for her and sacrifice my life without thinking, for her. . . as I would for any of my children. That's just the way I am and I've proven all that to be true at various times and in various situations in my life.
Now I have to sit here and be still while the right wing members of the United States Senate tell me and her that she is not good enough to be in the United States military because of who she is and what she is by birth.
My beautiful daughter was raised very much like all my other children. The cool thing about her is that she, as the youngest is the most well adjusted, happiest and has the best self esteem of all of them. She is as well rounded and talented as any of my children which makes her very well rounded and talented.
She's one of the best shots I know with a rifle and is a very respectable shot with a compound bow. She loves to hunt and fish and hang out in the woods and around the farm. When she walks around out here she is like a cat attentive and aware of every sight and sound. I don't know a better stalker.
But the senate republicans are telling me and her that she's not good enough to be in the military as she is.
It's starting to feel really personal.
You're telling me and my child she's not good enough to do whatever she's perfectly capable of doing?
Are these the same fucking pricks who talk about "family values?" Are these the same recreant sons of bitches who pretend to defend and be concerned with what happens to children?
Listen up you right wing pieces of garbage, you're fucking with MY kid. You're doing things that could damage My kid's self esteem and belief in herself.
It probably won't, but it could and it WILL effect thousands of kids across the country.

I'm tired of the anti-American, unpatriotic, unintellectual, unethical and immoral right wing agenda in this country. This is no longer the country I grew up believing in. It has become a farse. I'm just not sure it's worth caring about anymore.

And the biggest piece of shit mother fucker is. . . .

our very own freshman senator from WV!

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin was the lone Democrat to vote Thursday against advancing a repeal of the military's ban on openly gay service members.

In a 57-40 vote, the Senate failed to get the 60 votes needed on a key procedural move to start debate on overturning the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

The vote went largely along party lines.

Reversing the 1993 policy now looks unlikely to happen any time soon, although supporters vowed to try again before year's end.

This is exactly why I never felt so dirty voting for someone as I did when I voted for this scumbag.


Herbert Weaver said...

I wouldn't take it more personally than anything else the GOPers have promised to block. Which is everything. Jeez, we even have loose nuclear warheads being sold off to God-knows-who in Russia because these dicks blocked renewal of SALT. There's our dickhead guv trying to opt out of Medicaid in Texas. There's those 9-11 first responders getting the bums rush from those oh-so-patriotic pols... in short, we should take EVERYTHING personally with these fucks. They are attacking everybody, every day, like never before.

tom said...

Sigh,it's like we live in political end times, when a Republican minority can vote down ANYTHING at all with no adverse consequences, (while I do think the consequences of the last election were adverse, the repubs don't see it that way)
How does an American Citizen, elected official vote down the bill to provide succor to the HEROES of 911??? If I think about this AND DADT too much I am sure my head will esplode...
Somebody tell me how they can operate this way?
Vitter, Pence, Folley... good christians they....right?
Look, i'm an expat New Yorker w/ lots of NY Irish cop heritage...
WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE and WHY HAVE our people voted for theses scum?
(rant concluded) I feel marginally better...