Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Corruption supreme!!

U.S. district attorney in charge of News Corp. probe is ‘best friends’ with Murdoch point-man leading internal investigation
By Joe Pompeo | The Cutline –
From the department of conflicts of interest: Viet Dinh, the attorney and News Corporation board member overseeing an internal investigation into illegal activities within the embattled company, is reportedly best friends with Preet Bharara, the attorney leading the U.S. investigation into the same matter.
Time's Massimo Calabresi has the scoop:
Dinh and Bharara met their first week of freshman year at Harvard when they landed in a seminar together. "The topic of the day was whether the framers of the Constitution conceived man as good or evil," Dinh told me in 2007 when I interviewed him for a profile of Bharara, who was then leading the Senate investigation into the firing of U.S. attorneys by Bush administration political figures. "We ended up debating and arguing through the night until we went to breakfast and argued some more and then went to lunch," Dinh said.
From there they became good friends. Bharara was best man at Dinh's wedding. Professionally, they went to opposite parties but have stayed close. "He's been my best friend through Whitewater and through impeachment and through the USA Patriot Act, and God knows what kind of hurt he took from his Democratic friends," Dinh said in my interview with him, praising Bharara even as he took the lead on the U.S. Attorneys investigation. "So I'm glad there's a little bit of payback time now," Dinh said.

Welcome to justice Amerrykkkin style 2011. This is so absurd compared to how one would like to think that things work in Amerrykkka. How in the fuck are we supposed to believe in our gov't with total shit piles like this occurring? How are we to have any faith in the justice system in this country when the US Attorney's office has got the back of NewsCorp during an insanely scandalous investigation?

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
Thomas Jefferson
American Declaration of Independence

Is it time to dissolve the political bands between the people and gov't in this country?

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