Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A delicious low carb breakfast delight

This can be a breakfast lunch or dinner recipe, but I created it for breakfast this morning. . . it's a whole lot like a crab cake, but without the carbs.

break a couple eggs in a bowl. . . mix em up.

pour them into a hot pan and let em cook for about 15 seconds.

dump a couple heaping table spoons of good crab meat onto them and mix it all up.

when the eggs are still bubbling, gather them all up in a pile and lay a nice thick piece of swiss cheese on top

On a dish, mix up some mayo and hot sauce and spread all over the dish.

pick up the egg/crab mass with a spatula and place on plate.

This is really fucking good!

I'm stuck at 211. Gotta quit drinking the 50% caffeinated coffee. Caffeine is a no-no in low carb diets and I've been drinking 'low-caf' ever since the weekend.


crystal dawn said...

omg, you have to cut french fries AND coffee? I feel for ya bro.
Gonna try the crab n' eggs recipe for sure.

SagaciousHillbilly said...

CD, fresh oysters also work nice, but skip the cheese with them.

rainywalker said...

Another good recipe. A young lady from Oregon was telling me to try vege hot dogs. She said you can't tell them from the real thing. That will cut about 30 fat grams if they are any good.

SagaciousHillbilly said...

Rainy, Veggie hotdogs = low fat but hi-carbs.

Chickie said...

I'm not an egg eater but this sounds very good! I could see making it for dinner.